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We’re looking after a little panda

Since July 2015 we have been looking after a little panda which lives at Warsaw Zoo.

We encourage you to visit Warsaw Zoo, as it is an excellent way of spending your free time and discovering different species of animals.

As an ophthalmology clinic, we decided to adopt the little panda because in our everyday activities we take care of our patients’ sight – this helps them perceive the world around them distinctly.

13 November is international baby panda day.

Despite the autumn showers, you should visit our Bryluś at Warsaw Zoo.

Dziękujemy za wszystkie zdjęcia Brylusia przysłane do nas. Jest ich tak wiele, że wybór najlepszego jest coraz trudniejszy. Ze względów formalnych z dniem 13.08.2015 r kończymy konkurs. Zapraszamy na – tam dalej będziemy informować o Brylusiu.