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Cooperation with dr. n. med. Jarosław Kuśmierczyk

We are pleased to announce that CMO Laser in Warsaw has established cooperation with Dr. n. med. Jarosław Kuśmierczyk, an excellent specialist in oculoplastic surgery. Dr. Kuśmierczyk is a specialist in eye diseases, a graduate of the Medical University of Lodz. He has many years of clinical experience gained in Poland and abroad, including: in



Why us?

We are the largest non-public ophthalmology centre in Poland, using modern methods for diagnosing and treating conditions of the organ of vision. For over twenty years we have been carrying out thousands of cataract, glaucoma and laser correction operations annually. Our medical team consists of titled specialists – two professors, four ophthalmologists including a post-doctorate, eight with medical PhDs and fifteen ophthalmology specialists.

We can boast of having initiated the pioneering Individual Ophthalmology Programme, or IOP. Its goal is to have comprehensive patient care before and after ophthalomological surgery, covering both diagnosis of the condition and selection of the safest method of treatment.

Kadra w liczbach



ophthalmologists with associate professor status


ophthalmologists with the title of MD


doctors specialising in the field of ophthalmology

3 operating <br> theatres

3 operating

17 surgeries

17 surgeries

comprehensive diagnostic support

comprehensive diagnostic support

Over <br> 40 000 operations carried out

40 000 operations carried out