Minor surgery on the eyeball - certain changes require surgical intervention
Pterygium (web eye)
is a degenerative change to the conjunctiva, reminiscent of an insect wing, hence the name. The pathologically changed conjunctiva creeps into the cornea in the form of a wedge. In the case of rapid growth, the situation may arise where the tip of the wing enters the axis of vision and impairs the sharpness of the vision. The change should thus be operated on as soon as possible. The condition usually affects people working in the open air in strong sunlight.
Pigmented nevi
are a collection of pigment cells (melanocytes) located on the eyeball. They are usually stable and not malignant. If, though, you notice that the changes are growing, it is recommended that you have them removed.
Degenerative changes to the conjunctiva
e.g. pinguecula. A change connected with age, usually located by the cornea “at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock”.
Minor surgery on the eyelids
Cosmetic changes
Xanthelasma (plural xanthelasmata) – a deposit of cholesterol, usually found in the inside corner of the eyes on the top and bottom eyelids. These are non-malignant cosmetic changes.
Warts – pathological changes to the skin, of various sizes, usually the result of a viral infection
Chalazion – a pathological change caused by inflammation of the Meibomian gland. It is usually the size of a hailstone, hence the name (in Greek khalazion means hailstone). It is found inside the skin on the top or bottom eyelid.
Improper arrangement of the eyelids
Entropion – inward turning of the eyelid. This is generally a senile change, but may also be caused by scar formation. It causes the lashes to irritate the cornea, thus leading to permanent damage. In such cases the entropion should be operated on.
Ectropion – outward turning of the eyelid. Generally a senile change, or caused by paralysis of a facial muscle. It results in persistent tear production, and may lead to corneal complications and chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva.
Other eyelid operations
Wedge resection of the eyelids – generally used in the case of neoplastic processes covering the entire thickness of the eyelid.
Temporary and permanent shortening of the lid slit – carried out in cases where it is necessary to reduce the palpebral fissure (lid slit) for medical reasons.
The changes removed are tested in the histopathology laboratory.